Thursday, April 10, 2014

Map Progress!

 Natalie and I are working on mapping out the median and average household incomes of residents in Albany county so that we can determine which regions are low income. We are however having an issue with this layer's attribute table - after attempting unions and table joins, the income table still comes up as blank.

We are also working on a second map document, showing major roads (grey), available bus routes (red) and side roads within Albany (working on finding data set) so that all of these layers are not cluttered onto one single map afer we add the additional food sources layers. I performed two clips of these transportation lines to the Albany counter layer and will later add the local roads layer. I must also correctly re project the layer's coordinate system. 

We are also working on filtering out all Albany county farmer's markets addresses from a larger U.S. farmers markets excel table, which we will then geocode and add to both map documents 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Project Update

We are continuing to search for related data sets for our project. The median and average incomes were found, as well as the Albany county boundary. Since the income layer was for the entire United States, select by attributes was used to select only the information from Albany county. We may consider joining a shape file containing addresses to this new layer. Other data sets are still being searched for, such as farmers markets, supermarkets and convenience stores. We are also preparing a progress report and presentation for our class on Tuesday to discuss the work we have done so far and future work to be completed.